Archivio dell'autore: martabasaglia



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La hyperrealidad como superestructura

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La geometria como el lenguage del hombre

Modulo Orden Geometria Medida Relaciòn Proporciòn Control Regla Malla Simmetria Lo que caracteriza al arquitecto en la sua producción es la capacidad para definir reglas en la base de su trabajo. Estas normas no deben tomarse como absolutos, sino como … Continua a leggere

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“The architecture is a wise and wonderful game of volumes under the light”

  The reference to the traditional views of some great masters – Michelangelo and Phidias above all – is combined with other elements, best suited to represent the needs and values of the new times: the great works of engineering and … Continua a leggere

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Tensegrity_less is more

The concept of tensegrity starts from the Fuller’s principle of “DOING MORE WITH LESS”: for the comprehension of his work it’s necessary to abandon the traditional analysis, that setting that kind of analytical metaphysics that ends up, reducing the work … Continua a leggere

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“It has already been observed more than once that  a curious object that we suddenly find on the road, in a scenario in which we are not used to seeing it can appear in a new light, collected in a strange loneliness … Continua a leggere

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La ciudad universal

“Espacio sin amplitud en una mezda indefinida de universal” The “Generic City” can be considered a sort of “without plan city”:a spread one, in which the architectural product doesn’t reflect the instrument in which it’s possible to generate the urban … Continua a leggere

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